Thursday, March 22, 2018

Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of temp variables

This time we will look at how to get rid of temporary variables when updating an object in multiple steps.

This post is part of a series:
Functional Adventures in F# - A simple planner
Functional Adventures in F# - Calling F# from C#
Functional Adventures in F# - Using Map Collections
Functional Adventures in F# - Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Types with member functions
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of loops
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of temp variables
Functional Adventures in F# - The MailboxProcessor
Functional Adventures in F# - Persisting Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Adding Snapshot Persisting
Functional Adventures in F# - Type-safe identifiers
Functional Adventures in F# - Event sourcing lessons learned

In my game that I am trying to write with F# (at least the core model) I have some functions that look like the following
static member HandleTick (state:UnitStore) (action:Tick) =     
 let queueUpdatedState = UnitStore.handleTickBuildQueues state action
 let unitsUpdatedState = UnitStore.handleTickUnitUpdates queueUpdatedState action
A function that takes a state and an action and in turn it uses other functions to update that state with the help of the action.
I don't know, but I grew tired of naming temporary variables after a while and started googling for a better solution. Turns out there is one. By using the forward-pipe operator '|>' we can take the output of one function and send it as input to the next function.

static member HandleTick (state:UnitStore) (action:Tick) =     
 UnitStore.handleTickBuildQueues action state 
 |> UnitStore.handleTickUnitUpdates action
To make this work, the order of parameters need to be switched so that Action is the first argument followed by the State.
Turns out I have to refactor all the functions in my Stores to take the action first and state as second argument to get this working, but I guess that is a small price to pay for cleaner code.

Looking at the assembly in ILSpy gives us that in the background there will be temporary variables passed around, but our code is clean of them.
public static UnitStore HandleTick(Actions.Tick action, UnitStore state)
 UnitStore unitStore = UnitStore.handleTickBuildQueues(action, state);
 UnitStore state2 = unitStore;
 return UnitStore.handleTickUnitUpdates(action, state2);

All code provided as-is. This is copied from my own code-base, May need some additional programming to work. Use for whatever you want, how you want! If you find this helpful, please leave a comment, not required but appreciated! :)

Hope this helps someone out there!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of loops

Solving problems without loops.....

This post is part of a series:
Functional Adventures in F# - A simple planner
Functional Adventures in F# - Calling F# from C#
Functional Adventures in F# - Using Map Collections
Functional Adventures in F# - Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Types with member functions
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of loops
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of temp variables
Functional Adventures in F# - The MailboxProcessor
Functional Adventures in F# - Persisting Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Adding Snapshot Persisting
Functional Adventures in F# - Type-safe identifiers
Functional Adventures in F# - Event sourcing lessons learned

This time lets look at a real issue when coming from an imperative language and trying functional programming.
The example problem (that I crashed into when rewriting some game logic in F#) is that of spawning new Ships in a space game. We do not want to spawn 2 ships on top of each other, so we generate the default spawning coordinate and then test if it is safe to use, if not we move the ship a bit and try again....

How I solved it in C#..
private Ship FindClosestFreeCoordinate(ImmutableList<Fleet> state, Ship newShip)
    var shipsWithinSafetyDistance = ShipsWithinSafetyDistance(state, newShip);
    while (shipsWithinSafetyDistance.Any())
        var newCoordinates = newShip.Coordinates.Position.Add(Vector3.UnitXVector);
        newShip = newShip.Modify(coordinates: newShip.Coordinates.Modify(position: newCoordinates));
        shipsWithinSafetyDistance = ShipsWithinSafetyDistance(state, newShip);
    return newShip;

private List<Ship> ShipsWithinSafetyDistance(ImmutableList<Fleet> state, Ship newShip)
    return (from fleet in state
            ship in fleet.Ships
            ship.Distance(newShip) < 5
        select ship).ToList();

Translating the ShipsWithinSafetyDistance function is no problem. We just use the Map.filter function...
static member private shipsWithinSafetyDistance (unit:Unit) (state:UnitStore) =
    Map.filter (fun key value -> unit.distanceToUnit value < 5.0) state.Units
Ah, yes.. I switched from a ImmutableList in C# to a Map in F#, just to keep things interesting (and to get faster Key lookups)

So, the tricky part here is the while loop. Most loops can be rewritten with Map/List functions like map, filter and fold etc... But this time I don't see how to use them as I don't have a Collection of any sort here so my brain keeps yelling "Write a loooooop", as that is the way I have solved this kind of problems for the past 20+ years... So...
How should we do it in F#??? We have some other constructs to use that fit the functional idea better.

static member private findClosestFreeCoordinate (unit:Unit) (state:UnitStore) =
 let rec findClosestFreeCoordinateRecursive (unit:Unit) (state:UnitStore) = 
  let shipsWithinSafetyDistance = shipsWithinSafetyDistance unit state
  match shipsWithinSafetyDistance with
  | a when a.IsEmpty -> unit
  | _ ->  let newUnit = { unit with Coordinates = unit.Coordinates + Vector3.UnitX }
    findClosestFreeCoordinateRecursive newUnit state
 findClosestFreeCoordinateRecursive unit state
At least for this problem, it seems to be a good option. Here we define a function, findClosestFreeCoordinateRecursive with the rec keyword to let the compiler know that it will be called recursively. In the function body we match the result list with IsEmpty and return the input value or else call the recursive function with a new copy of the unit with new coordinates.

Call stack.. Is there a risk for stack overflow with this?
Lets open the dll output with ILSpy to check what actually goes on behind the scenes
ILSpy of F# Recursive Function
Turns out, that the current F# compiler in the background uses a while loop. The key here is that we do not, instead we define a short and concise function where we state what it is that we want done, how it is solved behind the scene in detail is not up to us. At some point, there is always someone that needs to write the ifs and loops, but lets keep them away from the application code that we write.

So there, lets move the last shipsWithinSafetyDistance to inner scope of our function and we are set
static member private findClosestFreeCoordinate (unit:Unit) (state:UnitStore) =
 let shipsWithinSafetyDistance (unit:Unit) (state:UnitStore) =
  Map.filter (fun _ value -> unit.distanceToUnit value < 50.0) state.Units
 let rec findClosestFreeCoordinateRecursive (unit:Unit) (state:UnitStore) = 
  let shipsWithinSafetyDistance = shipsWithinSafetyDistance unit state
  match shipsWithinSafetyDistance with
  | a when a.IsEmpty -> unit
  | _ ->  let newUnit = { unit with Coordinates = unit.Coordinates + Vector3.UnitX }
    findClosestFreeCoordinateRecursive newUnit state
 findClosestFreeCoordinateRecursive unit state

All code provided as-is. This is copied from my own code-base, May need some additional programming to work. Use for whatever you want, how you want! If you find this helpful, please leave a comment, not required but appreciated! :)

Hope this helps someone out there!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Functional Adventures in F# - Types with member functions

Lets look at how to structure functions into the types that they are linked to, this helps with keeping the code base clean.

This post is part of a series:
Functional Adventures in F# - A simple planner
Functional Adventures in F# - Calling F# from C#
Functional Adventures in F# - Using Map Collections
Functional Adventures in F# - Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Types with member functions
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of loops
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of temp variables
Functional Adventures in F# - The MailboxProcessor
Functional Adventures in F# - Persisting Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Adding Snapshot Persisting
Functional Adventures in F# - Type-safe identifiers
Functional Adventures in F# - Event sourcing lessons learned

I started converting my small but handy 3D math library to F# and very quickly I ran into a problem. Not that unexpected as I am a beginner with F#.
So say that you have some types:
type Vector3 = 
type Vector4 = 
That in the end will have quite similar functionality like .. for example Add, Divide etc. With the knowledge that I have so far of F# I ended up with
let addVector3 (value1:Vector3) (value2:Vector3) = 
  X = value1.X + value2.X
  Y = value1.Y + value2.Y
  Z = value1.Z + value2.Z
let addVector4 (value1:Vector4) (value2:Vector4) = 
  X = value1.X + value2.X
  Y = value1.Y + value2.Y
  Z = value1.Z + value2.Z
  W = value1.W + value2.W
I quickly thought that there must be a cleaner way to write this. I like tidy code, neat code.. not code that just looks bad and will turn into a maintenance hell even before it is shipped.
Luckily it turns out you can define functions as members of types. So the above 2 functions would look like:
type Vector3 = 
 member this.add (value2:Vector3) = 
  X = this.X + value2.X
  Y = this.Y + value2.Y
  Z = this.Z + value2.Z
type Vector4 = 
 member this.add (value2:Vector4) = 
  X = this.X + value2.X
  Y = this.Y + value2.Y
  Z = this.Z + value2.Z
  W = this.W + value2.W
Here, both are called just add, and they can be invoked directly on the objects.
let value1 = { X = 1.0; Y = 1.0; Z = 1.0 }
let value2 = { X = 2.0; Y = 2.0; Z = 2.0 }
let added = value1.add value2
A little cumbersome syntax if you want to do more complex calculations. So lets look at operator overloading in F# to so that we can get nice arithmetic operators into play for our new types
type Vector3 = 
 static member (+) (value1:Vector3, value2:Vector3) = 
   X = value1.X + value2.X
   Y = value1.Y + value2.Y
   Z = value1.Z + value2.Z
 static member maxValue = { X = Microsoft.FSharp.Core.float.MaxValue; Y = Microsoft.FSharp.Core.float.MaxValue; Z = Microsoft.FSharp.Core.float.MaxValue; } 

 member this.add (value2:Vector3) = this + value2
This lets us write something like this instead:
let added = value1 + value2
Also note the static member maxValue that is a static function that is invoked by Vector3.maxValue, in this case it just returns the max vector but it can be any function.

So there.

Update: evidently static members should start with capital letter according to design guide-lines. Makes sense as they are easier to spot.

All code provided as-is. This is copied from my own code-base, May need some additional programming to work. Use for whatever you want, how you want! If you find this helpful, please leave a comment, not required but appreciated! :)

Hope this helps someone out there!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Functional Adventures in F# - Application State

In this article we will go through how to handle complex application state in F#. This will in practice be a rewrite of 'Functional Adventures in C# - Application State'. So I will probably skip a lot of the details and focus on the F# implementation.

This post is part of a series:
Functional Adventures in F# - A simple planner
Functional Adventures in F# - Calling F# from C#
Functional Adventures in F# - Using Map Collections
Functional Adventures in F# - Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Types with member functions
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of loops
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of temp variables
Functional Adventures in F# - The MailboxProcessor
Functional Adventures in F# - Persisting Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Adding Snapshot Persisting
Functional Adventures in F# - Type-safe identifiers
Functional Adventures in F# - Event sourcing lessons learned


Illustration of Application State, different Stores and their model objects. For a lot of illustrations go read the C# article!
Lets be real, nobody read the C# version first. So I'll paste the overview here.
At any given point in time, the whole application state is stored in a class named Application State, it consists of different Stores and they in turn consist of the object model for each store. I.e. Fleet Store might contain Fleets that consists of Ships. All updates to the model are routed to the store in the form of Actions. The application state is immutable, meaning that any object that you get a reference to will never mutate into something else (see previous post in this series on Immutable objects)
So. from the text above we need to define Actions, Application State, and Stores and we should be set to go.


Actions will be implemented as basic record types. There is no need for anything else fancy. An action should contain all information that is needed to create a new application state.
      newApplicationState = currentApplicationState + action
The code for this part looks like the following
module Actions =
    type InsertCashToPlayerAccount = { Player:GameModel.PlayerId; Amount:GameModel.Cash }
    type Tick = { Time:float; Delta:float }
We defined 2 actions. One that puts money into the players account and the other lets us update each store before rendering a new frame in a game.

Application State

Next up, we will look at the Application State definition, or in this example the GameState definition
module GameState =
    type GameState =
Here we just define that GameState is a record type that contains 2 stores, the PlayerStore and the UnitStore. Here we will also be adding a way to handle actions, so lets continue with the GameState definition
        static member handleAction (state:GameState) (action:obj) =
                PlayerStore = PlayerStore.handleAction state.PlayerStore action
                UnitStore = UnitStore.handleAction state.UnitStore action
Here we add a static member function to the handleAction type (that can be called as: 'GameState.handleAction state action'). We have defined the types here, the state is a GameState and the action is typed to obj, meaning that we can send in any type into this function and it will work. I.e. when we define new actions, we don't need to change anything here. Only if we add a new Store, then we need to add it here obviously.
Also, worth noting is that the action is in turn sent to all Store handlers together with the part of the state that is handled by that Store. Meaning that we can define an action, that is handled by multiple stores. For example the Tick action above.
So basically the handleAction function just builds a new Application State by calling each store and telling them to handle their parts.


OK, so whats so special about the stores? Nothing really, the Application State is practically a store in itself,
module PlayerStore =
    type PlayerStore =
            Players: Map<PlayerId, Player>
            CurrentTime: float
        static member handleInsertCashToPlayerAccount (state:PlayerStore) (action:InsertCashToPlayerAccount) =
            let player = state.Players.[action.Player]
            let newPlayer = { player with Cash = player.Cash + action.Amount }
            { state with Players = state.Players.Add(player.Id, newPlayer) }            
        static member handleTick (state:PlayerStore) (action:Tick) =
            { state with CurrentTime = action.Time }
        static member handleAction (state:PlayerStore) (action:obj) =
            match action with
            | :? InsertCashToPlayerAccount as a -> PlayerStore.handleInsertCashToPlayerAccount state a
            | :? Tick as a -> PlayerStore.handleTick state a
            | _ -> state

PlayerStore is a record type, just as the GameState type, with a static member handleAction function that has a little different implementation. The key here is the pattern matching on the action, we use the type of the action to determine what handler function should be called to perform whatever it is that the action needs done. As a last state, we have the wild card pattern '_' that returns the old state as it was sent in. I.e. if this actionHandler can't handle the action, nothing is done.
Also notable in the handleInsertCashToPlayerAccount function, the new state is built by taking the current state and applying the action. In this example, finding the player object and constructing a new player object with the added cash in it.

Lastly, lets look at the UnitStore so that we have all the code for our example
module UnitStore =
    type UnitStore =
            Units: Map<GameObjectId, Unit>
            CurrentGameObjectId: GameObjectId
            CurrentTime: float
        static member handleTick (state:UnitStore) (action:Tick) =
            { state with CurrentTime = action.Time }
        static member handleAction (state:UnitStore) (action:obj) =
            match action with
            | :? Tick as a -> UnitStore.handleTick state a
            | _ -> state
Same thing here, the handleAction function takes the UnitStore and the action and then matches an action handler function if one exists to create a new state, otherwise it will just hand back the original state.

type StoreTests () =
    member this.createDefaultStore =
            PlayerStore = 
                    Players = Map.empty.Add(1, { Id = 1; Name = "Player1"; Cash = 0; CurrentSelection = [] })
                    CurrentTime = 0.0
            UnitStore =
                    Units = Map.empty
                    CurrentGameObjectId = 0
                    CurrentTime = 0.0 
For starters, we define a function that creates the initial GameState that will be used by all of our tests.
    member this.StoreTests_GameState_UnknownType () =
        let originalState = this.createDefaultStore
        let action = 1
        let newState = GameState.handleAction originalState action
        Assert.AreEqual(originalState, newState)
First test, just check that if we send in an unknown action, we get back the original state object, nothing changed, the exact same object.
    member this.StoreTests_GameState_UpdatePlayerStore () =
        let originalState = this.createDefaultStore
        let action = { Player = 1; Amount = 10 }
        let newState = GameState.handleAction originalState action
        Assert.AreNotEqual(originalState, newState)
        Assert.AreEqual(originalState.UnitStore, newState.UnitStore)
        Assert.AreEqual(10, newState.PlayerStore.Players.[1].Cash)
Secondly we test that an action that should update 1 store, does that, but leaves the other stores unchanged.
    member this.StoreTests_GameState_UpdateMultipleStores () =
        let originalState = this.createDefaultStore
        let action = { Time = 22.0; Delta = 0.015 }
        let newState = GameState.handleAction originalState action
        Assert.AreNotEqual(originalState, newState)
        Assert.AreEqual(22.0, newState.PlayerStore.CurrentTime)
        Assert.AreEqual(22.0, newState.UnitStore.CurrentTime)
The last test just verifies that an action can be handled by multiple Stores.


There are probably a lot of things that could be written in a better way, I am still learning F# and finding new ways to do things daily. Overall I find that this language has nice constructs for many of the things I tried to do with C# when I tried functional constructs there. A lot less plumbing here as the language has built in support for many of the things, lets one focus on actually writing functionality instead of plumbing code. I am glad that I tried this out : )

All code provided as-is. This is copied from my own code-base, May need some additional programming to work. Use for whatever you want, how you want! If you find this helpful, please leave a comment, not required but appreciated! :)

Hope this helps someone out there!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Functional Adventures in F# - Using Map Collections

This time we will look at how we can manipulate Map collections to store data.

This post is part of a series:
Functional Adventures in F# - A simple planner
Functional Adventures in F# - Calling F# from C#
Functional Adventures in F# - Using Map Collections
Functional Adventures in F# - Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Types with member functions
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of loops
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of temp variables
Functional Adventures in F# - The MailboxProcessor
Functional Adventures in F# - Persisting Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Adding Snapshot Persisting
Functional Adventures in F# - Type-safe identifiers
Functional Adventures in F# - Event sourcing lessons learned

I am no expert in F#, writing these posts is a way for me to learn and hopefully they can help someone else as well.

Graph of symbols

OK, so I want to create a symbol graph (influenced by some ideas in the book 'Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid', a book I really recommend everyone to read)
This is just a very naive implementation but it raised some issues when dealing with F# in general.
Basic concept is that you have a bunch of symbols and each time they are triggered together with another symbol you either add an edge or increase the edges weight. And when 2 symbols are totally interlinked, they may become a new symbol of their own. But in this example I will just focus on the graph bit.

Defining types with and keyword

For example: In F#, everything that you use need to be defined before you use them. Meaning that if you have type X that references type Y, and then type Y reference type X.. You have a problem.
type X = { name:string; hits:int; outgoingEdges:Y}
type Y = { target:X; hits:int;  }
This would result in a "The type 'Y' is not defined." error. To solve it, we can change the second type definition to use the keyword and instead of type.
type X = { name:string; hits:int; outgoingEdges:Y}
and Y = { target:X; hits:int;  }

Lets start with defining some types.
module Symbolism =
    type Edge = { targetName:string; hits:int;  }
    type Symbol = { name:string; hits:int; outgoingEdges:Edges}
    and Edges = Map<string, Edge>
    type Symbols = Map<string, Symbol>
So here we see the usage of the and keyword as Symbol forward references Edges.

Using Map Collections

As you can see above, we have defined Edges and Symbols to be of the type Map, basically Map works like a Dictionary in C#, there are probably differences (other then the immutability part), but for my purposes I like to think that they are about the same. They both store objects as Key/Value pairs.

So, our first function will be getSymbol that takes a Symbols collection and the name of the symbol to get. Here I want to return the symbol from the Map if it exists, otherwise return a new empty symbol that has never been seen before. For this we will use pattern matching mechanism of F#, the task is quite trivial and thus a straight forward place to figure out how pattern matching works.
let getSymbol (symbols:Symbols) (key:string) =
    match symbols.ContainsKey key with
    | true -> symbols.[key]
    | _ -> { name = key; hits = 0; outgoingEdges = Map.empty }
We start by checking if they Symbols Map contains the key with the match [expression] with part.
The next line we define what happens if the result is true. We return the object that is in the Map, notice the dot (.) before the indexer. In C# you would access a dictionary as 'symbols[key]' but in F# you need the extra dot.
The second pattern line means, anything else.... So in this case it would be if the result is false we return a brand new record. The outgoingEdges is of the type Edges that is a Map<string, Edge>. I spent some time trying to initialize it with Edges.empty until I figured out that it is the Map.empty that should be used to initialize an empty map of any type.

Next, we want to add or update a value in the Map.
let addEdgeToSymbol (symbol:Symbol) (target:Symbol) = 
    let edge = getEdge symbol target
    let weightedEdge = increaseEdgeWeigth edge
    let updatedSymbol:Symbol = { symbol with outgoingEdges = symbol.outgoingEdges.Add(, weightedEdge) }
This took me a while as well. Trying to google how to update a value in a Map collection. Evidently it is built into the Add function.
If the key does not exist in the Map: a new Map with the key/value pair added to it is returned
If the key exists already in the Map: a new Map with the value in the key location updated is returned.
Pretty neat to not have to bloat the code with all the checks just to add or update, just call the Add function.
Here also, we want to update one field in the symbol record. We could define a new record and manually copy all the fields but that is just code debt waiting to blow. Instead there is a nice way to do this with the following line.
{ symbol with outgoingEdges = symbol.outgoingEdges.Add(, weightedEdge) }
Here we say, that we want a new record based on the values in the record 'symbol' but with the following things updated. In this case the outgoingEdges field.

Full source code

module Symbolism =
    type Edge = { targetName:string; hits:int;  }
    type Symbol = { name:string; hits:int; outgoingEdges:Edges}
    and Edges = Map<string, Edge>
    type Symbols = Map<string, Symbol>
    let getSymbol (symbols:Symbols) (key:string) =
        match symbols.ContainsKey key with
        | true -> symbols.[key]
        | _ -> { name = key; hits = 0; outgoingEdges = Map.empty }
    let getEdge (symbol:Symbol) (target:Symbol) = 
        match symbol.outgoingEdges.ContainsKey with
        | true -> symbol.outgoingEdges.[]
        | _ -> { targetName =; hits = 0; }

    let increasSymboleWeigth symbol:Symbol =
        let updatedSymbol:Symbol = { symbol with hits = symbol.hits + 1 }

    let increaseEdgeWeigth edge:Edge =
        let updatedEdge:Edge = { edge with hits = edge.hits + 1 }
    let addEdgeToSymbol (symbol:Symbol) (target:Symbol) = 
        let edge = getEdge symbol target
        let weightedEdge = increaseEdgeWeigth edge
        let updatedSymbol:Symbol = { symbol with outgoingEdges = symbol.outgoingEdges.Add(, weightedEdge) }

    let addEdge (symbols:Symbols) (from:string) (target:string) = 
        let symbol = getSymbol symbols from
        let targetSymbol = getSymbol symbols target
        let edgedSymbol = addEdgeToSymbol symbol targetSymbol
        let weightedSymbol = increasSymboleWeigth edgedSymbol
        let weightedTargetSymbol = increasSymboleWeigth targetSymbol
            .Add(from, weightedSymbol)
            .Add(target, weightedTargetSymbol)

Unit tests

type SymbolismTest () =

    member this.Symbolism_getSymbol_NoExistingSymbols () =
        let target : Symbols = Map.empty
        let actual = getSymbol target "ewan mcgregor"
        Assert.AreEqual("ewan mcgregor",
        Assert.AreEqual(0, actual.outgoingEdges.Count)
    member this.Symbolism_getSymbol_ExistingSymbol () =
        let target : Symbols = Map.empty.Add("ewan mcgregor", { name = "test item"; hits = 0; outgoingEdges = Map.empty })
        let actual = getSymbol target "ewan mcgregor"
        Assert.AreEqual("test item",
        Assert.AreEqual(0, actual.outgoingEdges.Count)
    member this.Symbolism_addEdgeToSymbol () =
        let from = { name = "daisy ridley"; hits = 0; outgoingEdges = Map.empty }
        let target = { name = "star wars"; hits = 0; outgoingEdges = Map.empty }
        let actual = addEdgeToSymbol from target
        Assert.AreEqual("daisy ridley",
        Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.outgoingEdges.Count)
        Assert.IsTrue(actual.outgoingEdges.ContainsKey("star wars"))
        Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.outgoingEdges.["star wars"].hits)
    member this.Symbolism_addEdge_NoExistingSymbols () =
        let target : Symbols = Map.empty
        let symbols = addEdge target "ewan mcgregor" "star wars"
        let actualewan = getSymbol symbols "ewan mcgregor"
        let actualStarWars = getSymbol symbols "star wars"
        Assert.AreEqual("ewan mcgregor",
        Assert.AreEqual(1, actualewan.hits)
        Assert.AreEqual(1, actualewan.outgoingEdges.Count)
        Assert.AreEqual("star wars",
        Assert.AreEqual(1, actualStarWars.hits)
        Assert.AreEqual(0, actualStarWars.outgoingEdges.Count)
        Assert.AreEqual(2, symbols.Count)

Here in the Symbolism_getSymbol_ExistingSymbol test we can see how to initialize a Map with a starting key value. I.e. by adding an item to an empty Map.

Merging 2 Map collections

Added 2018-03-21, did not want to create a new post for this.
At some point you may come across a problem that needs to be solved by merging 2 different Map collections that have the same type if Key and Value. To use this, we will use Map.fold to create a new Map collection that has the contents of both input Maps
let newUnits = Map.fold (fun acc key value -> Map.add key value acc) state.Units builtUnits

So there it is. We have gone through how to
  • Check if a key exists in a Map
  • Retrieve the value stored in the Map for a particular key
  • Add values to a Map
  • Update values in a Map
  • Initialize an empty Map
  • Initialize a Map with key/value pairs from the start
  • Merge 2 Map collections
All code provided as-is. This is copied from my own code-base, May need some additional programming to work. Use for whatever you want, how you want! If you find this helpful, please leave a comment or share a link, not required but appreciated! :)

Hope this helps someone out there!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Functional Adventures in F# - Calling F# from C#

I have quite a lot of code lying around that is written in C# and going into a new project, the most natural is to start with C# as the core application. Now when I am exploring the functional paradigm with F#, I still want to be able to call all the F# code from C#. In other words, the most natural is to add new functionality to my existing applications using F# and not try to accomplish the 'everything shall be written in F#' utopia.

This post is part of a series:
Functional Adventures in F# - A simple planner
Functional Adventures in F# - Calling F# from C#
Functional Adventures in F# - Using Map Collections
Functional Adventures in F# - Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Types with member functions
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of loops
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of temp variables
Functional Adventures in F# - The MailboxProcessor
Functional Adventures in F# - Persisting Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Adding Snapshot Persisting
Functional Adventures in F# - Type-safe identifiers
Functional Adventures in F# - Event sourcing lessons learned

So, first off. We need to give our C# project the knowledge of F# types. So lets Nuget the FSharp.Core package and we are all set!

After that, calling the F# code from C# is easy. Lets use the code that we wrote in the last post with the Planner module.

We had 2 different types described in the module, the ScheduledAction that was a record type and the Schedule that was a list of ScheduledActions.

Lets look at some code:
using System;
using Microsoft.FSharp.Collections;

namespace app.Components
    public class Main
        private FSharpList<Planner.ScheduledAction> _schedule;
        public bool Shutdown { get; set; }

        public void MainLoop()
            while (!Shutdown)
                var executableActions = Planner.getExecutableActions(DateTime.UtcNow, _schedule);
                foreach (var action in executableActions)
                    _schedule = Planner.removeFromSchedule(action, _schedule);

        private void Execute(Planner.ScheduledAction action)
            // execute business logic here

As you an see, the Schedule type did not follow through as I expected. It is exposed a FSharpList<ScheduledAction>, i.e. we need to write the whole thing instead of just using Schedule. Other then that there seems to be nothing strange here. Planner is identified by intellisense as a class.

If we try to modify the name of the ScheduledAction that we have received from the F# code, the code will not compile but instead show you the error
Property or indexer '' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
This is due to that everything defined in F# is immutable (well almost everything).
So that is that, it just reference the FSharp.Core and your F# project from your C# project and you are good to go.

All code provided as-is. This is copied from my own code-base, May need some additional programming to work. Use for whatever you want, how you want! If you find this helpful, please leave a comment, not required but appreciated! :)

Hope this helps someone out there!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 15: Object picking by mouse

This time we will go through how to use the mouse to pick objects on the screen.

This is part 15 of my series on OpenGL4 with OpenTK.
For other posts in this series:
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 1: Initialize the GameWindow
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 2: Compiling shaders and linking them
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 3: Passing data to shaders
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 4: Refactoring and adding error handling
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 5: Buffers and Triangle
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 6: Rotations and Movement of objects
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 7: Vectors and Matrices
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 8: Drawing multiple objects
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 9: Texturing
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 10: Asteroid Invaders
Basic bullet movement patterns in Asteroid Invaders
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 11: Mipmap
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 12: Basic Moveable Camera
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 13: IcoSphere
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 14: Basic Text
OpenGL 4 with OpenTK in C# Part 15: Object picking by mouse


As I've written in previous posts, I'm still not that good with all the math etc. writing these posts is a way for me to learn and hopefully someone else out there finds it useful as well. This time I found a great post that goes into the details of ray-casting to pick objects in 3D space over at Anton Gerdelan's blog:

I've taken his base solution and made it work with the code-base that we use in this tutorial series. It did not work directly, so a lot of time was spent on what was going wrong.
So, now that credit is where it belongs, lets look at the code.


First we want to calculate the ray from our camera location based on the mouse click on the screen. So first we need to subscribe to mouse events. So in our OnLoad method, we will add the following event handler.
MouseUp += OnMouseUp;

In our event handler we will check that it is the correct button and send the coordinates to the actual object picking method
private void OnMouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs mouseButtonEventArgs)
    if (mouseButtonEventArgs.Button != MouseButton.Left)
    PickObjectOnScreen(mouseButtonEventArgs.X, mouseButtonEventArgs.Y);

This is the method that calculates the ray from the camera and into the screen. It takes the mouse coordinates and then backtracks the transformations back to world space. For more details, check
private void PickObjectOnScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY)
    // heavily influenced by:
    // viewport coordinate system
    // normalized device coordinates
    var x = (2f * mouseX) / Width - 1f;
    var y = 1f - (2f * mouseY) / Height;
    var z = 1f;
    var rayNormalizedDeviceCoordinates = new Vector3(x, y, z);

    // 4D homogeneous clip coordinates
    var rayClip = new Vector4(rayNormalizedDeviceCoordinates.X, rayNormalizedDeviceCoordinates.Y, -1f, 1f);

    // 4D eye (camera) coordinates
    var rayEye = _projectionMatrix.Inverted() * rayClip;
    rayEye = new Vector4(rayEye.X, rayEye.Y, -1f, 0f);

    // 4D world coordinates
    var rayWorldCoordinates = (_camera.LookAtMatrix.Inverted() * rayEye).Xyz;

After that we need to add a method that checks if the game object has been hit by the ray. I added this to the AGameObject class so that all game objects can be picked. Basically we begin by checking if the origin of the ray is inside the sphere that we are checking against. After that we check if the ray is pointing away from the object and lastly we perform Pythagorean method to determine if the ray is within the radius of the sphere that we are looking at. This ray method is something that I've had lying around for a while and used for various purposes.

public double? IntersectsRay(Vector3 rayDirection, Vector3 rayOrigin)
    var radius = _scale.X;
    var difference = Position.Xyz - rayDirection;
    var differenceLengthSquared = difference.LengthSquared;
    var sphereRadiusSquared = radius * radius;
    if (differenceLengthSquared < sphereRadiusSquared)
        return 0d;
    var distanceAlongRay = Vector3.Dot(rayDirection, difference);
    if (distanceAlongRay < 0)
        return null;
    var dist = sphereRadiusSquared + distanceAlongRay * distanceAlongRay - differenceLengthSquared;
    var result = (dist < 0) ? null : distanceAlongRay - (double?)Math.Sqrt(dist);
    return result;

The above method is called from the following that iterates all the objects currently active in the game and then tries to find the object that is closest (if there are many) to the origin of the ray.

private void FindClosestAsteroidHitByRay(Vector3 rayWorldCoordinates)
    AGameObject bestCandidate = null;
    double? bestDistance = null;
    foreach (var gameObject in _gameObjects)
        if (!(gameObject is SelectableSphere) && !(gameObject is Asteroid))
        var candidateDistance = gameObject.IntersectsRay(rayWorldCoordinates, _camera.Position);
        if (!candidateDistance.HasValue)
        if (!bestDistance.HasValue)
            bestDistance = candidateDistance;
            bestCandidate = gameObject;
        if (candidateDistance < bestDistance)
            bestDistance = candidateDistance;
            bestCandidate = gameObject;
    if (bestCandidate != null)
        switch (bestCandidate)
            case Asteroid asteroid:
                _clicks += asteroid.Score;
            case SelectableSphere sphere:

As you can see above, we have introduced a new GameObject for this part of the tutorial series, the SelectableSphere. It looks like the following:
public class SelectableSphere : AGameObject
    private ARenderable _original;
    private ARenderable _secondaryModel;
    public SelectableSphere(ARenderable model, ARenderable secondaryModel, Vector4 position, Vector4 direction, Vector4 rotation)
        : base(model, position, direction, rotation, 0)
        _original = model;
        _secondaryModel = secondaryModel;

    public override void Update(double time, double delta)
        _rotation.Y = (float) ((time + GameObjectNumber) * 0.5);
        var d = new Vector4(_rotation.X, _rotation.Y, 0, 0);
        _direction = d;
        base.Update(time, delta);

    public void ToggleModel()
        if (_model == _original)
            _model = _secondaryModel;
            _model = _original;
Basically an endlessly rotating sphere that will toggle its model when selected.

And lastly we generate these spheres in 2 layers in the OnLoad method in our MainWindow to have stuff on screen that can be selected.
var maxX = 2.5f;
var maxY = 1.5f;
for (float x = -maxX; x < maxX; x += 0.5f)
    for (float y = -maxY; y < maxY; y += 0.5f)
        _gameObjects.Add(_gameObjectFactory.CreateSelectableSphere(new Vector4(x, y, -5f, 0)));
for (float x = -maxX; x < maxX; x += 0.65f)
    for (float y = -maxY; y < maxY; y += 0.65f)
        _gameObjects.Add(_gameObjectFactory.CreateSelectableSphereSecondary(new Vector4(x, y, -6f, 0)));

End results

For the complete source code for the tutorial at the end of this part, go to:

So there, thank you for reading. Hope this helps someone out there : )

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Functional Adventures in F# - A simple planner

Last year when I got sick I bought the openGL Bible and started writing about graphics programming with openTK in C# just to keep my mind occupied.
This year things turned bad again, so a new book... This time it is time for F# as I got really curious about functional programming during the last few months.

This post is part of a series:
Functional Adventures in F# - A simple planner
Functional Adventures in F# - Calling F# from C#
Functional Adventures in F# - Using Map Collections
Functional Adventures in F# - Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Types with member functions
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of loops
Functional Adventures in F# - Getting rid of temp variables
Functional Adventures in F# - The MailboxProcessor
Functional Adventures in F# - Persisting Application State
Functional Adventures in F# - Adding Snapshot Persisting
Functional Adventures in F# - Type-safe identifiers
Functional Adventures in F# - Event sourcing lessons learned

So previous experience with functional ideas are from web tech like Redux and writing the core engine of my latest game project in C# with functional constructs. If you want to know more about that project you can read here:
Functional adventures in .NET C# - Part 1, Immutable Objects
Functional adventures in .NET C# - Part 2, Application State

So, next step is to actually use a language that is built for this. And luckily in .NET there is a full featured one.

At first I thought about converting a already existing piece of C# to F# to see the similarities and differences but I quickly omitted that idea. So for the next few posts I will try to write a Scheduler with F#.

If you do not have any development environment, please check out Visual Studio Community Edition, it is a great and free environment that I use for my private projects. It has support for F#.

Defining data

As a first step we need to define the different types of data that we have.

Step 1, decide if we should use CLI types or F# specific types.

CLI Types: Standard types that can be used in all .NET languages
F# Types: Specific to F#, cannot be used outside. Designed with functional paradigm in mind and does not have null and are immutable. They also have built in equality checking and pretty printing.

Our choice here will be F# types to be able to use the language to its full extent as it was designed.
As a starter, we want to be able to build a collection of planned Actions. So lets first define what we will be planning.
type ScheduledAction = { time:DateTime; name:string; }
This pretty much describes a new Record type that has a time and a name.
Next lets define the Schedule as an ImmutableSortedSet
type Schedule = ScheduledAction list
Nothing fancy here either, as you can see compared to C# the order of things is switched, where we would write list<ScheduledAction> we just write ScheduledAction litinstead. I think you can use the C# notation as well but I am trying to stick with the way my book says is the F# way.

Adding functionality

Next we will want to add a ScheduledAction to the current Schedule. As everything is immutable we will define a function that takes the new ScheduledAction and the current Schedule, and returns a new Schedule with the ScheduledAction added to it. We will not change the current Schedule, just return a new Schedule with the change made to it.
So just add a new item.
let schedule (action:ScheduledAction) (currentPlan:Schedule) =
    let newPlan = action :: currentPlan
Here we define the function schedule that takes 2 arguments: action and currentPlan. The parenthesis are not needed if you do not supply the type arguments. But my compiler complained (FS0613 Syntax error in labelled type argument) if I didn't add them so hence the parenthesis.
The item :: tail construct takes an item and a list and returns a new list with the item as the first item and the tail as ... the tail.

Next step is to retrieve actions that should be executed. So lets define a new function, this will not change the plan, just return a new list with items that should be executed.
let getExecutableActions (currentTime:DateTime) (currentPlan:Schedule) =
    let actions = List.filter (fun x -> x.time <= currentTime) currentPlan
Here we use the List.filter function to apply a filter to each item in the list. As Schedule is a list this works fine.

Finally we want to remove items that have been executed (in some way, outside of scope here).
let removeFromSchedule (action:ScheduledAction) (currentPlan:Schedule) =
    let newPlan = List.filter (fun x -> compare x action <> 0) currentPlan
Basically the method is the same as the above, but it compares each element in the list to the one we want to remove, and if it is the one we want to remove, we just do not add it to the new list. I.e. filter it away.

The complete planner module

namespace scheduler

module Planner =
    open System
    type ScheduledAction = { time:DateTime; name:string;}
    type Schedule = ScheduledAction list

    let schedule (action:ScheduledAction) (currentPlan:Schedule) =
        let newPlan = action :: currentPlan

    let getExecutableActions (currentTime:DateTime) (currentPlan:Schedule) =
        let actions = List.filter (fun x -> x.time <= currentTime) currentPlan

    let removeFromSchedule (action:ScheduledAction) (currentPlan:Schedule) =
        let newPlan = List.filter (fun x -> compare x action <> 0) currentPlan
So here we have the complete planner in 18 lines of code.

Adding unit tests

Of course we should have unit tests to ensure correct functionality. Luckily F# makes it quite easy to write tests as well.
namespace scheduler.tests

open System
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting
open scheduler
open scheduler.Planner

type PlannerTests () =

    member this.Planner_schedule_AddItemToEmptySchedule () =
        let item : ScheduledAction = { time = DateTime.UtcNow; name = "first item" }
        let target : Schedule = []
        let newSchedule = schedule item target
        Assert.AreEqual(item, newSchedule.Head);
    member this.Planner_schedule_AddItemToNonEmptySchedule () =
        let item : ScheduledAction = { time = DateTime.UtcNow; name = "first item" }
        let item2 : ScheduledAction = { time = DateTime.UtcNow; name = "second item" }
        let target : Schedule = []
        let intermediateSchedule = schedule item target
        let newSchedule = schedule item2 intermediateSchedule
        Assert.AreEqual(item2, newSchedule.Head);
        Assert.AreEqual(2, newSchedule.Length);

For the schedule function, we add 2 tests, one that adds a new item to an empty Schedule, and one that adds an extra item to a Schedule that already has items.
    member this.Planner_getExecutableActions_EmptySchedule () =
        let target : Schedule = []
        let actual = getExecutableActions DateTime.UtcNow target
        Assert.AreEqual(0, actual.Length);

    member this.Planner_getExecutableActions_SingleItemSchedule_NoExecutable () =
        let currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
        let item : ScheduledAction = { time = currentTime; name = "first item" }
        let target : Schedule = []
        let newSchedule = schedule item target
        let currentTime = currentTime.AddSeconds(-2.0);
        let actual = getExecutableActions currentTime newSchedule
        Assert.AreEqual(0, actual.Length);
    member this.Planner_getExecutableActions_SingleItemSchedule_SingleExecutable () =
        let currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
        let item : ScheduledAction = { time = currentTime; name = "first item" }
        let target : Schedule = []
        let newSchedule = schedule item target
        let currentTime = currentTime.AddSeconds(2.0);
        let actual = getExecutableActions currentTime newSchedule
        Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Length);

    member this.Planner_getExecutableActions_MultiItemSchedule_SingleExecutable () =
        let currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
        let item : ScheduledAction = { time = currentTime.AddYears(1); name = "first item" }
        let item2 : ScheduledAction = { time = currentTime; name = "second item" }
        let target : Schedule = []
        let intermediateSchedule = schedule item target
        let newSchedule = schedule item2 intermediateSchedule
        let currentTime = currentTime.AddSeconds(2.0);
        let actual = getExecutableActions currentTime newSchedule
        Assert.AreEqual(item2, actual.Head);
        Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Length);
For the getExecutableActions function we add 4 tests.

  • One that checks so that the special case of an empty Schedule is handled correctly. 
  • Secondly that the time filter is correct when we have a single item in the list that is not OK to execute yet. 
  • Thirdly a single item that is OK to execute
  • and lastly a Schedule with multiple items with 1 able to execute and 1 not able to

    member this.Planner_removeFromSchedule_RemoveItem () =
        let item : ScheduledAction = { time = DateTime.UtcNow; name = "first item" }
        let item2 : ScheduledAction = { time = DateTime.UtcNow; name = "second item" }
        let target : Schedule = []
        let intermediateSchedule = schedule item target
        let newSchedule = schedule item2 intermediateSchedule
        let actual = removeFromSchedule item newSchedule
        Assert.AreEqual(item2, actual.Head);
        Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Length);
And lastly we check that removeFromSchedule function does just that, removes the item we want to remove and leaves the rest in the list. (in the new list that is returned, the original is not changed... remember immutable)

All code provided as-is. This is copied from my own code-base, May need some additional programming to work. Use for whatever you want, how you want! If you find this helpful, please leave a comment, not required but appreciated! :)

Hope this helps someone out there!